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Goodbye 2022

It feels a little surreal to be here again, after a whirlwind of a year, looking back over the many galleries from 2022.

I think I speak for so many of us when I say we all cautiously tiptoed into the beginning of the year, being extra careful not to upset 2022.

It felt a little strange to head into January and February with no signs of impending lockdowns or restrictions, but how incredible it was to finally get back into the swing of Weddings which have been long awaited for so many of you.

This year I've covered far and wide across the UK, packing up my car and setting off with either a good podcast of cheesy soundtracks to keep me company.

I've loved every minute of arriving in the middle of preparations (which are always full to the brim of a good mix of nervous anticipation and excitement) and leaving you after I've had a good whirl around the dance floor making sure I've caught those moments which are sometimes forgotten the morning after.

It seems a bit too British to comment on the Weather, but this Summer will go down in the books with being up there with the HOTTEST yet, which gave everyone an excuse to rock their sunglasses, meant so many outdoor ceremonies went ahead and left the dreamiest sunsets behind.

2022 was also special on a personal note as following my own micro Wedding last year, in July we threw an almighty party to celebrate with our family and friends - before sneaking away for a month in September to travel across Italy, with 5 year old Ava in tow.

So, now we get to the good part. Here is the official roundup of 2022. I won't tell you how many hours it took to go through thousands and thousands of images to select a few handfuls to help illustrate how incredible this wedding season has been.

Whether it's the Christmas magic or heading into Year 13 of this amazing journey as a Wedding Photographer but I'm full of emotion and gratitude. Thank you for all of the never-ending support and love.

Goodbye 2022. Here's to 2023!